Contributing to Moola
Submission Guidelines
Spot size:
21 x 21 x 10 blocks, something that visitors should
be able to travel through fairly quickly if they wish.
Symbol syntax:
always use double-character symbols.
N, S, E, W exits; U, D optional. Must be visible and
usable - its okay to put a puzzle in the way to get there.
Don't worry about where these exits will go; this is the
resposibility of the Moola coordinator.
Other links:
no hyperlinks to outside spots; HTML files must open in new windows.
only introduce one new blockset per spot in
addition to the standard flatland sets.
Graphics and sound: total has to come in at less that 1MB for
ALL - these are rooms and need to start up quickly.
should put their name, e-mail address, and latest date
at the top of the Spot file for record-keeping. Since there is
currently no meta-tag supported by Rover yet, please put this
information in comments.
The entire folder should be zipped into a single file and uploaded
to flatland (link coming soon). Your files and folders should follow this format:
index.3dml (your spot)
*.3dml (any imported files)
images (your image files)
sounds (your sound files)